HST Best Hair Transplant Technique in the World

What is the best hair transplant technique in the world? The HST method is a unique method of multiplying your stem cells.


Those who dream of finding beautiful hair, after losing their hair and having their head disfigured by a more or less serious form of alopecia, are more and more informed about how to restore their hair by taking advantage of all the information available on the net. But how to find really interesting information among all the information that is published? A lot of information is disseminated for commercial purposes, apparently all illustrating the best hair transplant technique in the world. How do we understand what criteria are really met to make sure that a transplant technique is the best in the world?

Let’s see below what these criteria are and how to understand which of the available techniques meet these criteria.

Norwood scale: by classification, we know which transplant technique is appropriate

Today those who want to restore their hair leave from the knowledge of their own situation. By knowing its own Norwood-scale ranking we can already know if the techniques currently commonly used can adapt to its case. In fact, from the Norwood IV situations, not all techniques are likely to bring a good result of hair restoration to the patient, especially given the situation of the donor area.

The technique WAS also called bandelette or the technique FUE in all the different denominations given to it to try to create diversities has a basically always similar basis, encounter limited availability of follicular units in the donor area.

FUT and FUE transplant techniques only move follicular units from the donor area to the recipient area. This means that if the donor area is not large enough and dense enough, the possibilities of multiple interventions may not be possible.

Technique WAS

The WAS takes a full strip of scalp from the donor area, transplants into the recipient area all follicular units present in this band after separating them. However this surgical procedure necessarily reduces the surface of the donor area by the amount of scalp corresponding to the severed strip. This technique leaves a long scar behind the skull which is aesthetically difficult to assume while a long post-operative period, painful, affects the patient.

This technique makes it possible to transplant a greater number of follicular units compared to the FUE technique. If these follicular units are not sufficient to cover the surface to be treated in a single operation, the surgery must be repeated: this adds a scar to the previous one and further decreases the surface of the donor area, inducing tension and thus modifying the orientation of the hair. If the patient does not want to have scars, if he does not want to undergo a delicate post-operative course, and if the receiving area is large enough, then we do not choose this technique.

Technique FUE

FUE is the other widely used technique. It has multiple trade names, with different extraction and implantation methods. However, all variants have in common the fact that they remove whole follicular units from the donor area and transfer them to the recipient area. Extraction is simpler than in the case of FUT: a less specialized surgeon can intervene with this technique and often it is technicians who perform the work. However, the amount of removal from individual withdrawals is always a function of the donor area’s ability to offer follicular units according to the amount needed for restoration.

If the donor area is sparsely populated, extraction possibilities remain limited and the possibility of restoration of the recipient area is therefore limited. The post-operative path is lighter than the one following the interventions with the FUT technique. The patient still needs to be bandaged at the end of the procedure and will need to be bandaged for a few days after the surgery. Scarring of the donor area, to a lesser extent compared to FUT, can be annoying by causing itching and discomfort. The amount of small circular scars left by extractions made with the FUE method creates hardening of the scalp in the donor area which can constitute fibrosis. The donor area will be dotted with small gaps that could be a hindrance to the wearing of short hair. This is the same type of disadvantage that presents itself for the FUT intervention.

Small donor area relative to the area of the receiving area

For patients who have a small donor area even in the presence of a limited recipient area, and even more so in the presence of considerable alopecia, the number of possible extractions must remain limited in order not to make the donor area exhausse. But a limited number of withdrawals also says restored area limited.

Evaluation of the donor area to establish the chances of satisfactory capillary restoration

From the examination of these two techniques, the parameters to be monitored in order to choose the most satisfactory type of intervention are: amplitude and density of the donor area, amplitude of the area to be restored, availability in time to cope with postmore or less long and more or less painful operations. Another important criterion is the number of follicular units implanted in the recipient area per square centimeter to provide a natural result.

The HST technique, HairStemcell Transplantation, exceeds the FUT and FUE limits

There is a third technique, recently present in Southern Europe, but practiced in Northern Europe since 2005: the technique of hair stem cell transplantation HST also called PL FUT (Partial Longitudinal Follicular Unit Transplantation).
This is a discovery by Dutch researcher Conradus Chosal GHO. Proven by the academic research conducted with Prof Martino Neumann dermatologist of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and by more than 20,000 interventions carried out, the HST technique consists in the partial removal of a follicular unit instead of the whole of it-This is similar to other techniques. With this partial extraction, capillary stem cells present in the follicular unit are divided into two groups. One group remains in the uncollected portion of the donor area and another group, in the collected portion, will be implanted in the recipient area.

The HST technique, the best hair transplant technique in the world can remedy where other techniques are unsatisfactory

The two groups of capillary stem cells contained in the two parts in which the follicular unit was subdivided, require nine months to: 1) redevelop the original follicular unit as it was prior to collection in the donor area and 2) by in vivo cloning to reproduce the same follicular unit in the recipient area. This process is called Hair Multiplication. This phenomenon overcomes the constraints of donor areas because they regenerate.

There will no longer be a decrease in the donor area, which at a minimum will remain in the state it was in when the HST intervention was initiated. There’ll be no more scarring. Since grafts are extremely small compared to smaller grafts of other techniques, the implantation is carried out very tightly between the grafts: the new hair will result extremely dense and natural.

Other advantages of HST technology

Another advantage of the HST technique for the patient is that the donor area does not need to be bandaged at the end of the procedure, because there are no injuries because the tiny needles used for the withdrawals do not cause injury to the scalp. Post-operative treatment is simple and gentle with recovery within two or three days of the donor area.

The HST technique can probably be considered today as the best hair transplant technique in the world for hair restoration.


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